About Lisa

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Little things that make us smile

My girls named our daily visitor, Flitter.  She, accoring to my oldest, it's a she,  visits us every morning. The kids just love it!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The gardner was out trimming away as I was leaving to pick up the kids from school.  These were on the ground.  I quickly picked them up and brought a little bit of sunshine to the kitchen table.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kate's "tween" room makeover

For my daughter's 9th birthday , we surprised her with a room makeover!  She was quite pleased with it.  It was months in the making.  I purchased items and stuffed them in the closet in preparation for the big day.  I had two days to complete the mission, as I sent her away to "vovo's house (my mom's) for the weekend, and her Daddy and I got to work. 



The inspiration piece began with the polka dot bedding from Target!  At one of our many trips to Target, my daugther pointed to this comforter and said, "MOM, I LOVE this, I wished I could get this for my room!"  Done! The following day, I went back to find that they were out of twin size, so I went to two other targets and finally came home with a twin :)  Soon after,  I continued to buy things and stored them in the shed until the big project weekend came.  The Desk/Orange Chair/Lamp are all from IKEA.  Pillows are from Home goods, except for the orange ones. "Vo-vo", made those to match the curtains that replaced the mirror closet doors.

My New Blog!

This is a test............as I've never blogged before, hoping this appears in the right box :)  I'm so excited to share my pictures and ideas of a little of this and a little of that!